Port Vila to Noumea
(Blog readers please note - by left clicking on photos you will see them full size and a photo gallery below. The same applies for previous blog posts..see blog archives below.)7/10/16 – 14/10/16
Returning to Port Vila after our amazing
voyage to Vanuatu’s northern islands was not the anticlimax that one would
suppose. For one, in their own time, Paul and Juan, Patrick and Murielle and
Patrick and Edith had all gathered in Vila as well, and in no time we were
drawn to Happy Hour at the Waterfront Bar where we compared notes on our
experiences, discussed plans beyond Vila and simply enjoyed the conviviality of
disparate souls who had enjoyed that unique fellowship that comes with chance
meetings in faraway places. We agreed to reconvene at Spice the Indian Restaurant on the hill overlooking Vila the
following evening, although it has to be said that coordinating essentially
independent souls about their intentions, preferred time, transport to the
eatery, and who might join or be deleted from the touring party was somewhat
like herding cats, and caused us more than a pinch of merriment. Eventually an
assemblage formed outside Yachting World, and after varying expressions re the
mode of conveyance to the eatery, a “Brexit majority” favoured an uphill stroll,
so walk we did. We had such a fine time
at Spice, that on our way down the
hill following this grand repast, we realised that no-one had taken a
photograph of the occasion for posterity.
Back in familiar territory on a mooring at Port Vila |
We had returned to Vila to re-provision, plan
our next passage at sea, and because, after a stellar period of benign weather,
less friendly conditions were on the way, with the potential of stronger winds,
rain and storms. In the meantime though, we just enjoyed being back in Vila,
Vanuatu’s National Capital, which is in many respects a big, friendly town that
nestles in and around a magnificent harbor. With it being school holidays in
Australia, there were more “big island” visitors than normal, and when
P&O’s liners, Pacific Pearl and Pacific Eden called in on successive
days, we took the opportunity, between showers, to head to the Cruise Liner
wharf and take a closer look at Pacific
Eden the 2015 addition to the P&O fleet. The boffins at P&O are not
likely to be consumers of this blog, but if they were, they would be relieved
to know that Pacific Eden passed the
toughest test of all, Cookie’s Liner Rating, the CLR index, where the Eden was voted “shippy”, with agreeable
lines and presentation, and not “like a sponge cake” or cruelly, “like a sheep
carrier”, which is her sharp assessment of others of their genre.
Pacific Eden |
There is something about Port Vila that makes
it a comfortable place to be, where the watch holds no sway and the calendar is
an adornment with pictures that hangs on a wall. One can easily wile away hours
strolling about, in the markets or heading for a café where the faces are as
friendly as the coffee – or thickshakes! – is good. Even getting about in Vila is a breeze as yes,
there are Taxis with meters for those who crave formality, but it is far easier
to spot a van with the numberplate starting with “B”, hail it, and for 150 vatu
(85 Vatu to the $AU) each the driver will take you anywhere in town. There are
no buses in Vila, but nearly every second vehicle seems to be a “B” van, and
sometimes the island music on board is worth the admission in itself. We really
enjoy our “getting around” in Vila and have found “B” travel to be a great part
of the experience.
Paying for our coffee thickshake at Jill's cafe |
The "B" Van transport |
Having placed ourselves in the hands of John
and his nephew Stuart of Island Tours for our Tanna / Volcano experience, we
found ourselves dropping in to their relaxed office on our strolls into or out
from town, and saw Stuart at the Waterfront Bar where he is a congenial and
popular employee. Before departing for our “northern odyssey” John told us that
he had family links to the Loltong and Asanvari areas of Maewo and Pentecost,
and we thought little more of this, but now we found that many of the good folk
that we had met, including Columbus the floating baker, were well known to John
who has played a considerable role in developing tourism that area, and especially
on Pentecost. Then Stuart let us know that his sister operated a small shop in
Loltong, and we realised that while we were there we had met her, bought a
couple of items from her but never imagined any connection to Stuart. John was
quick to remind us, wisely, that “…it is a very small world!” Indeed.
The intractable weather that had remained
wonderfully at arm’s length whilst we were “in the islands”, and had been
forecast for some days, now arrived in full and sullen regalia as a tart
reminder that benign weather like we have had should not be taken for granted
in this part of the world. Storms gathered all about; giving the anchorage in
Vila a curtain of black, and when the rain fell, it was unrelenting and
confined us to on board activities. Unfortunately for Paul and Juan, their
plans for an overnight trip to Tanna to see Old Yasur coincided with the
arrival of the foul weather and their travel company, noting the storms and
strong winds could be a significant safety problem, delayed the trip twice,
before offering a full refund. At the same time we were searching in earnest
for a window of weather to take us from Vila past Tanna to Lifou in the Loyalty
Islands, and on to Noumea, and we too were keen to see this system rumble its
way off toward the Solomons or Fiji, before we put to sea.
Not going anywhere just yet! |
Then, with the wind, rain, lightning and
thunder having cleared, conditions between Vanuatu and New Caledonia improved
and we were able to target a period of lighter, but sailable conditions for the
60 odd hours that we estimated that it would take us to get back to Noumea from
Port Vila. Having now set a time to go, we knew that our practical beings
needed to override our feelings because although we really had to go, we didn’t want
to go, and could have remained happily in Vila for ages. As Bridgette the new
owner of Spice, put it…”I’ve only
been here since May, and Vila really grows on you”.
Suddenly, with a date set for our departure,
and the weather holding, there were lots of things to do before departing Port
Vila, apart from saying farewell to our nautical friends who we had met by
chance but had gotten to know well over the last few weeks. Some fine Duty Free
shopping is available in Port Vila and we planned to use our imminent departure,
and armed with our official “clearance papers”, to re-stock (I almost typed
re-Scotch!) the ship’s cellar with selected extracts from Scotland, that we had
sleuthed in our forays into town.
Farewell & thankyou to Lemaira at Yachting World |
Only an avowed optimist would assume that
completing the departure formalities in a casual country such as Vanuatu could
be achieved without a hitch, and sure enough, having headed to Customs, we were
re-directed to the Port Authority for clearance, which meant finding a separate
port precinct office, where the Authority revealed that they needed a 7000 Vatu
payment (about $A 82) to clear us to leave town. We had requested advice from
Immigration about the cost of “clearing out”, but they neglected to say
anything about the Port fee, and now, on the far end of town, and with most of
our remaining Vatu converted back to Australian Dollars, we were well short of
meeting this bill. Luckily, the Port Authority Manager took pity on our
situation and offered to drive us back into town in a VPA Vehicle to an ATM, so
that we could withdraw some money, meet our Port dues, clear with Customs, and head
across town to Immigration in a “B” van, where we got our passports stamped and
the vessel SV Calista was officially
cleared to leave Vanuatu waters.
At last, our clearance papers! |
Returning to Noumea from Vanuatu was a 300 plus
mile, two night passage, heading nearly due south from Port Vila, between Lifou
and Mare in the Loyalty Islands, before heading to Havannah Passage or more
correctly, Canal de la Havannah, at the southern end of Grand Terre, New
Caledonia’s main island, which needed to be approached with care, at the change
of tide, to avoid the strong currents that challenge shipping in this area.
Weather conditions were forecast to be agreeably light at the outset, before a
friendly sou-easter might see us sail on under wind vane, to beyond Lifou, on
approach to Havannah Passage.
Some sail repairs before departure |
We rose early to slip our mooring in Port
Vila, and Paul and Juan came out into their cockpit to wave us on our way,
which was nice of them given that we could not know when, or if, we would see
each other again. In no time we had negotiated our way out of the harbor and
the aroma of ship’s jaffles issued from below, as the lighthouse on Pango Point
hove into view away to port. Soon the unmistakeable lift of the SE swell told
us we were at sea, and as the uplands of Efate were gradually deflated by
distance, we left Vanuatu astern. We had saved the garlands of flowers that had
been placed around our necks back at the Yacht Club dinner in Loltong, and now
we dropped them over the side, and watched with a tinge of sadness, as they
slowly dropped astern, until we could see them no more.
Reluctant departure for Noumea |
Readers of this blog will be aware of the
fabulous experiences that we have had in Vanuatu, but as Efate slipped away, we
wondered what the future might bring for this wonderful island nation. The pace
of change has been rapid in recent years, and we wondered how much might change
in the next few years, and whether we have been lucky to see Vanuatu as we have
done. Yes, the impact of modern technology such as mobile phones can be seen
everywhere, and we hope that the current structures of village life can survive
the pressures that this will mean, especially for the young. On the hill above
the town of Port Vila, the Chinese have built and “gifted” an imposing, but rarely
filled Conference Centre to the people of Vanuatu, and the two dominant Telcos
in the country, we have been assured, are Chinese controlled. For those of us
who sail here there may be changes as well. The charming Oyster Island
anchorage on Petersen Bay, Espiritu Santo may not be accessible in the future
as the Oyster Island Resort has been sold to Chinese interests and a short
bridge from Santo to the island may make cruising to this wonderful place a
thing of the past. A little further north at the unsurpassed Lannoc Bay and
Champagne beach, we have been told that “foreign interests” are pressuring
locals to sell these priceless places, and what that might mean there is
anyone’s guess. Our memories of going ashore in Lannoc Bay, and strolling
amongst the doe-eyed bovines on our way to Champagne Beach might be a far cry
from the scene there into the future. Champagne Beach might be considered too
beautiful to be left to the people of Vanuatu, and money may rule the waves. We
tried not to have these things intrude into our thoughts as Efate became
indistinct astern, the sou-easter built to sailable strength, and we set up
“Kev” our wind vane to sail us on into the night.
Another amazing sunset at sea |
The seas north of the Loyalty Islands seemed
curiously upset and the lumpy conditions did not ease until we were just short
of Lifou. We had timed our passage to hopefully coincide with the tide in
Havannah Passage, but as the sea grew smoother we were struck by a contrary
north-setting current that in places reduced our progress by as much as two
knots. There are times, we will admit, that the rigours of night passages at
sea are trying, but on this occasion, with a fulsome moon shining its merry
beams from above, the gentle lift of the swells, and the eager motion of our
ship as she ploughed on through the night was a sight to behold and it was a
delight to be on watch. As we drew abeam of Lifou on our second night at sea,
there was the wink of the light on Cap de Pins, the island’s most easterly
point, and we ghosted by on a fading breeze, with our navigation lights
blending with the moon’s wash of electric white. Not a soul ashore, we suspect,
saw us pass by and head on to the south.
Another amazing sunrise! |
As we passed between Lifou and Grand Terre
the predicted light sou-easter collapsed entirely and under motor and mainsail
we headed for the Goro Lighthouse that marks the start of Havannah Passage. We
wad timed our approach to coincide with the first sector of the rising tide,
but out from the pass the remnant swirls of the outgoing tide were enough to
make the sea boil and for us to be slewed in the current. Those who have
encountered contrary strong wind and tide conditions on the entrance to
Havannah Pass are not likely to forget the experience. On the reef, abeam of
the entrance lay the wrecks of two substantial vessels as a reminder to all
mariners to treat Havannah Pass with respect.
Blogging in the calm conditions enroute to Havannah Pass |
A very friendly Havannah Pass! |
Our original plan was to push on in the
afternoon through nearby Canal Woodin, or Woodin Passage to an anchorage just
shy of Noumea, but with the afternoon getting on and the clear skies being
replaced with darkened drapes above and the threat of rain, we resolved to make
for Anse du Pilote, on Ile Ouen, a protected anchorage in Canal Woodin, that
looked to be a fine place to spend the night. As we entered Anse du Pilote the
hills of Ille Ouen and the uplands in the Canal were attractive in form and yet
blighted by the scarring of mining and erosion that dominates much of southern
Grand Terre. Palm fringed Anse du Pilote looked picture perfect on our approach
to anchor, and yet it proved to be disconcerting in one respect, as Cookie
called depths below us, and we edged closer and closer to the shore. This
anchorage was very deep! When we dropped anchor we were in 40’ of water, and
seemed to be but a stone’s throw from the beach, a circumstance that we would
rarely experience, at home. Anse du Pilote proved to be a tranquil and
sheltered place, immensely pleasing to the eye, and by night having the flash
of the port hand marker in Canal Woodin, perched atop an adjoining headland and
the loom of the lights of Noumea illuminating the sky to the north. Our
agreeable passage from Port Vila over the preceding days had taken us 56.5
hours and we had covered 307 miles of the south-west Pacific. Already Port Vila
seemed thrice that away.
Anse du Pilote anchorage with scarred hills in the background |
Port Moselle the clear-in port in Noumea is
especially busy at this time of year and there was no guarantee that we could
get a berth, in spite of an email request chain that Cookie had started back in
Port Vila. Their message to “call us in the morning when you are close” saw us
up early, again, and making our way out of Canal Woodin whilst the sun was
still feeling its way on the eastern horizon. Canal Woodin is a busy shipping
channel, and the previous night a couple of very fast ferries, bound for the
Isle of Pines or the Loyalties had entertained us with their swift passing by
us. In the open water, these ferries skim over the water at a breakneck
35knots! With Canal Woodin just astern we noted ahead a far bigger vessel, the
liner Carnival Spirit, also making
for Canal Woodin and on to the Isle of Pines. We were a little relieved not to
have to contend with this behemoth in the confines of Canal Woodin.
The sheep carrier Carnival Spirit heading down Canal Woodin |
As we approached Noumea a radio communication
with Port Moselle confirmed that yes we could have a berth, from 2pm that
afternoon, and hopefully we could achieve the Bio-Security part of the
Quarantine arrival procedures, later the same day. As a vessel entering port
from overseas, we were required to be flying the yellow quarantine flag, the
French flag and the flag of our home country. There are set protocols
surrounding these adornments.
With a few hours to spend, we were
considering our options when our VHF radio crackled into life. It was Cran and
Ann McLean on Lettin Go, the
impressive 52’ Chamberlain Cat. We had last seen Cran and Ann at The Boatworks
in the Coomera River off the Gold Coast, when we had limped in for repairs in
June, following our challenging time in Coffs Harbor. Cran and Ann, who were
headed overseas, had kindly made Lettin
Go available to us as temporary and salubrious lodgings, whilst Calista was at
the boat hospital. We had first met this fine couple on Kangaroo Island in
early 2010, and had joined them on the way up the East Coast on their way back
to Brisbane to complete a meritorious circumnavigation of Australia. We had
agreed to re connect if we could in New Caledonia, and here they were, anchored
in Baie de Citron, off our starboard bow, just minutes away. Soon we were
alongside calling out our greetings, only to find that, just in front of them
was Marcel on Diddys, and that Cran,
knowing of Marcel’s connection to us, had met with him and invited him on board
for a meal. Now with everyone heading in to the harbor, Cran and Ann invited us
all on board for a nautical get together over dinner.

A wonderful evening on board Lettin' Go |
With our yellow flag down, we headed to Lettin Go, where a wonderful evening
unfolded and in excellent company the hours passed quickly. We scarcely noticed
that for the previous few nights sleep had been at a premium. Cran and Ann were
planning to spend a couple of weeks in New Caledonia before making passage for
New Zealand, and Marcel, like ourselves was seeking an appropriate weather
window for the voyage back to Brisbane. For the moment, it appeared as though
the weather patterns were not kindly and some days might have to be spent in
Noumea and in the nearby lagoon, waiting for things to settle. This was hardly
an imposition.
Secure at Port Moselle Marina |
Having returned to Noumea it is worth
recording that according to Cookie’s trusted Diary and Ship’s Log, 68 days have
passed from our departure from this fine port to our
return and in this time we have covered 1259 nautical miles, and have visited
23 different anchorages on SV Calista. It was a good a time as any to reflect on the
unforgettable time that we had enjoyed in the islands of Vanuatu, and of the
wonderful people we had met along the way. It was true after all: you may
voyage to Vanuatu for the places to see, but you will never forget the people.
Now no blogs since 18 October, so maybe you're in the Tasman heading for Oz?
ReplyDeleteHello Everybody,
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1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
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3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
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Email Kindly Contact: urgentloan22@gmail.com
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:(urgentloan22@gmail.com) Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
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7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
Email Kindly Contact: urgentloan22@gmail.com
Great reading Colin and Cookie. What an adventure.
ReplyDeleteLovely to catch up with you at Rick's and wishing you a speedy recovery Colin
Jayne McLaren