Broken Bay to Lake Macquarie
13/5/16 –
( Blog readers please note - by left clicking on photos you will see them full size and a photo gallery below. The same applies for previous blog posts..see blog archives below.)
The russet hues on the new day were apparent
in eastern skies, but we had beaten the sun to it with our cabin lights
radiating a warming glow below, the kettle simmering; and with a last check of
the BOM website underway before we ventured outside to ready the ship for sea.
Days were measurably shorter now and as the breeze had lost it purpose in the
late evening, the settling airs off Little Patonga Beach had gifted their
moisture to the decks of Calista which
now glistened with dewdrops in the dawn. Bare feet gave way to ugg boots, and a
warming windcheater was required to deflect the chill of the air and underfoot.
Another beautiful sunrise - Little Patonga Beach |
We were far from the first up though, as
across Broken Bay to Flint and Steel Point, a runabout with its ruby light to
port was hurrying at pace in the direction of Pittwater. It had been good to
anchor in Patonga Beach after the regimentation of moorings in Cowan Creek;
undertaking the process of selecting an anchoring spot, considering the swing
on the chain that could be required at night and the joint efforts of the bow
and the helm in seeing the chain laid in accordance with the wind, and tackle
set to provide reassurance through the dark hours. Picking up a mooring is
secure we admit, but anchoring out is real cruising to us.
Lion Island |
With our chain and anchor retrieved we
rounded the port light at the entrance to the bay, and made for Lion Island and
the entrance to Brisbane Water, before keeping a watch for East Reef, a shoal
that might provide a challenge for an unwary crew making to the north. We
reflected on the diverse and extraordinary experiences of recent times, of Port
Hacking, Sydney Harbor, and now the waters accessed via Broken Bay: a trilogy
of destinations too fulsome to see in one autumn, one year, and maybe in a
lifetime on the water. You could live in this region from a callow youth to a
seasoned salt and still be discovering special places.
First Second & Third points |
These were fleeting thoughts though as upon
rounding Third Point, and with Second and First Points in view, the sandstone
cliffs so typical of the Sydney coast were duplicated, except where they had
been breached by nature to gift us the beaches of Killcare, McMasters Beach,
Avoca, Copacabana and Terrigal, and there was much to see. Sailing had been
challenging to this point with some steady breezes from the WNW giving us the
chance to hoist everything and romp along, followed by failing airs which saw
us ignite our motor to assist, before, as the zephyrs tended northerly, we
doused our headsail and made distance by motor and main alone.
Wonderful to be sailing! |
Perched atop Norah Head, the major coastal
feature before Lake Macquarie, is its impressive lighthouse and clutch of
former light station cottages. Happily, like other lighthouse precincts
elsewhere, Norah Head has a new life today, via “getaway” accommodation and
functions, for weddings and the like. In the season, the headland is a popular
whale-watching location as the Humpback whales make their annual migration from
the Antarctic to tropical Queensland and return. Now fully protected, these
leviathans are seen these days in ever increasing numbers. There is some
similarity in the annual migration of the whales as far as the Whitsundays and
the annual migration of cruisers and yachts from NSW and southern Queensland
waters to tropical climes north of Fraser Island. Humans and cetaceans both
prefer warmer seas to cold ones it would seem.
Norah Head lighthouse |
It is not far from Norah Head to Moon Island
off the entrance to Lake Macquarie where entrance to the Lake, for keelboats
such as ours – we draw 1.8m – is governed by the tide, and gaining access to
the Lake is via a pre-booked opening of the Swansea Bridge. The wind, that had
been sluggish at best, had now disappeared and the last portion of our journey
from Broken Bay required the motor for us to keep up our schedule. Bridge
openings are arranged via Marine Rescue Lake Macquarie, and with a 1400hrs
booking in place, we needed to arrive in time to pilot our way down the channel
following the lead beacons between the breakwaters, and arrive in the basin out
from the bridge for the opening. When last in the area, in 2010, we had hired a
car and driven to see the entrance, and visit the Marine Rescue station which
perches above the channel, in driving wind and gale force winds. Our arrival
this time could not be a greater contrast, with a calm sea, azure skies and no
swell to speak of. In no time at all it seemed, the wings of the bridge creaked
open, and with dozens of cars with their disgruntled occupants banking up on
either side, we slid through into the channel leading to Lake Macquarie.
On approach to the Swansea Bridge |
Safely through the the channel & "The Drop-over" |
So far, so good, we thought, but the greatest
challenge still lay before us. Locals call it “the drop-over” which in truth is
a nasty, shifting sand-bar further up the channel, that at low tide would
prevent our passage, but now, with a rising tide nearing full, we should be
able to scrape through. Understandably, this troublesome impediment requires
frequent dredging, and sometimes sand accumulation closes off the lake for
keelboats completely. We had been at pains to study the tides at the Lake
Macquarie entrance in detail and although we came close to nudging Calista’s bottom in the shallowest part
of the channel, soon “the drop-over” was behind us and the lead beacons
deposited us into the broad expanse of the lake where depth was not an issue.
Curiously, in spite of the tidal flow in the Swansea channel, such is the
volume of water within the lake that there are hardly any tides in the lake to
see. We could have literally headed in any direction because at 104 sq km, Lake
Macquarie is Australia’s largest sea-water lake, and with a host of bays to
choose from, the options were nearly endless. All of the vessels in the greater
Sydney area could be accommodated in Lake Macquarie, although getting them all
in would create great angst for those waiting at the Swansea Bridge!
Negotiating the well marked channel, keeping red to port ( left) |
On our way up the coast we had considered our
options upon entering the lake, and now it was but mid-afternoon and there was
plenty of time to find our way across Lake Macquarie to the town of Wangi
Wangi, blue-collar to its bootstraps and stridently parochial, even on a good
day. Alan Lucas’ guidebook had referred to the fine anchorage available in the
bay off Wangi Wangi, and that if one was lucky; a visiting yacht might tie up
on the pier outside the Wangi Wangi Worker’s Club, the social and cultural hub
of Wangi. Considering this, we crossed the Lake in good speed before feeling
our way into Eraring Bay, where the worker’s club jetty was already
accommodating a motley selection of vessels, some sleek and expensive, others
modest and functional. Our arrival saw a
couple of blokes off a house-boat sit down their stubbies, and rally to catch
our lines. Their cheery and easy going welcome was typical of Wangi Wangi. This
is not to say that blue singlets totally ruled the day for nudging into the
jetty was the opulent motor cruiser Debjohn,
that we recalled taking pride of place in the Bobbin Head Marina, Cowan
Creek. We had seen them earlier in the day, low down and heading north in
torrents of spray, off Norah Head and would never have guessed that Wangi Wangi
was where they were headed. It would have been Sanctuary Cove for them we
thought. Not so.
Secure at the Wangi Wangi Jetty
After a stroll into town and making a $10
payment to the Club for our overnight berth, we dressed for dinner and made our
way into the redoubtable WWWC. The Club was well patronised; “meat tray night”
was how one local explained it, but for us the day had been a long one, and we
settled into a fine meal with blue-collar prices, before wending our way back
to our ship, to plan some excursions to the far reaches of Lake Macquarie in
the coming day or two First though, we wanted to take the opportunity to catch
up with some old friends who had urged us that next time we passed through
these waters, we must come in and see
Lake Macquarie.
In 2010, in the Coomera River, just upstream
from Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast, we met Kel and Helga Korsman off the
fine catamaran Mojo, who, like us
were headed to take in the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show, and like us were headed
north to Townsville and out to the Louisiade Archipelago, across the Coral Sea,
in the waters SE of Papua New Guinea. We connected with Kel and Helga on a
number of occasions up the Australian Coast, in the Louisiades, and on our
return to Australia. We shared some wonderful and some challenging times, and
came away liking Kel and Helga, both for their approach to life and the fine
people we found them to be. Down on the southern portion of the NSW coast we
had called them declaring our intention, weather permitting, to make good our
declaration, that next time in waters north of Sydney, we would try to include
Lake Macquarie in our list of destinations. They live overlooking a waterway,
not far from the Swansea Bridge, and we arranged to head back across the Lake
in the morning, following Kel’s directions, to anchor off the lakeside suburb
of Belmont, and to spend some time reconnecting and reminiscing. It was great
to see Kel and Helga again, and although we had not crossed paths since 2010,
it was as though our shared experiences in a faraway place had happened only
Kel & Helga's waterside home |
Lake Macquarie has been home to Kel and Helga
for many years, and because we have similar interests, we took the opportunity
to have them mark a number of features on our map of the Lake, and quickly
realised that, like in many places, we would only have time to take in some of
the highlights. The good thing though was that the weather was holding at the
stellar end of beautiful, and with blue skies and light winds Lake Macquarie
was presenting herself in the finest possible light.
There are times, we will admit, when
surrounded by fine vessels in different places, we think longingly of other
yachts, that are different here, bigger there, grander there and so forth. This
is not so much the grass is greener syndrome, as the water being bluer; on some
other boat, in some other place. Mostly we feel this way when we come away from
looking at other boats in marinas, which we routinely do, but we soon come back
to our own faithful ship, feeling grateful for what we have. She is home to us,
but in reality she far more than that. On the morning after seeing Kel and
Helga, we came ashore at Belmont where dozens of yachts lie tethered in the
anchorage, and were approached by a gent out walking his dog, who approached us
saying… “Is that your yacht out there, the one with the black trim?” “Yes,
she’s ours” was the easiest reply we could give. There were lots of yachts in
the bay and we had anchored somewhat out from shore. We were surprised that he
noticed Calista, amongst the rest. “Looks
like a Swanson….yes they are fine sea boats…she looks great, one of the best I
have seen….I was just admiring her. I wish I had a boat like her…” Then, just
like that, responding to his errant hound, he was away, and we did not get the
chance to tell him that Calista had
indeed taken us across just on 20,000nm of ocean and that yes, we were very
fond of her.
Public Jetty & anchorage area at Belmont |
Anchored at Wangi Point |
Back on board, it was an ideal day for a
gentleman’s sail, which could be described as a drift down wind with headsail
unfurled, and marine stressors at the lower end of tolerable. Crossing the lake
again we made for Wangi Point where a reserve provided an opportunity to get
ashore and stretch our legs on a wooded trail. The walk in the forest was
passing pleasant, in spite of some contradictory signage that had had us making
our way by guesswork. Contained on the end of the peninsula, though, with
downtown Wangi on its western perimeter, we had to eventually find our way to
our minor, then major boats. We were never in peril.
With the sun past the yard, we hoisted sail
again and made our way past the forested Pulbah Island and leaving Fishery
Point to starboard, make our way to a bay along Bird Cage Point, where a
completely secure anchorage was available in the lee of the bush, and
tranquillity was likely in that southern portion of Lake Macquarie. The night
provided serenity and sanctuary, and in the morning, having glassed the wooded
shoreline we made our way ashore to a walking trail that Kel assured us would
be easy to find. Again our hours ashore were highly enjoyable, and provided a
welcome opportunity to get some exercise, to avert a feeling of sloth, that
would come from purely lounging on board. To us, a layabout life in the cockpit
or below decks was more reserved for foul weather, than the fine that had been
gifted to us on this extensive body of water.
Sunset at Bird Cage Point |
By day’s end, with a light overnight northerly
predicted, we made our way north again and found our way to Goonda Point on the
southern side of Wangi Wangi where the NE to NW conditions would be easily
deflected and we would ride easily on our chain. It would be fair to assume
that we had developed a wry fondness for Wangi Wangi, for the next day had us
again ashore in its modest retail precinct, with the lame excuse of needing
some grocery items, although our plimsoll line was mostly awash, what with the
tonnages of grocery items that we already have on board. Maybe it was the
coffee milkshake at the popular Wangi Cafe that had drawn us out of the wilds
of Bird Cage Point.
Our travels on Lake Macquarie could have
continued for weeks with each night delivering a different vista, but weeks we
did not have, and considering the state of the afternoon tides, and the weather
that was forecast, we could delay in the lake no longer, although, following
another recommendation from Kel and Helga, we would just have enough time for a
third walk on the wild side, this time north of Belmont in the Green Point
Foreshore Reserve. Having dallied a little ashore in Wangi, we made our way
across the lake with some haste, dropping anchor south of the Reserve, not far
from the Port Macquarie Yacht Club haul-out slipway. Kel and Helga, as it
turned out were spot on and the walking trails through dappled forest, mangrove
boardwalks, and to a lookout affording fine vistas of the lake was excellent
from every respect.
Lovely forest walk at Green Point |
Vista of Lake Macquarie from the lookout |
We would later find that this reserve, the
home of a diverse population of creatures in the lower story, and Kookaburras
and Tawny Frogmouths, in the rainforest above was under threat from developers
who eyed the land, not as a home for a raft of creatures without a say in the
“planning process”, but as an opportunity to cash in on the population squeeze
pushing north from Sydney. To us the remnants of Port Macquarie hinterland in
its natural state were now hard enough to find and in years to come areas of
natural vegetation, there to be enjoyed by all, would become priceless assets,
if they are not already Happily, public agitation to save the Green Point
Foreshore has deflected the bulldozers for now and the Kookaburras and
Frogmouths can rest in peace in the forest. We left this delightful place,
thankful that we had seen it whilst it remains. Back on board, on the starboard
side of our companionway is pinned a memento, drawn from an old Cree Indian
proverb. It reads…
Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we cannot eat money.
At least in Lake Macquarie waterways,at least, the importance of sustaining populations has taken
hold. Locals tell us that with fish stocks plummeting a few years ago, netting
in Lake Macquarie was banned and now, many areas teem with fish. Maybe
“developers” need banning too.
Farewell Lake Macquarie |
With the tide brimming in the late afternoon,
we took the opportunity to book a five o’clock “bridge”; and make our way back
to the leads in the Swansea Channel, to pass through to courtesy moorings
beyond the bridge in fading light. These moorings are just abeam of the Swansea
RSL Club, and heading there involved little more than a short duck ride and a
tie-up at the courtesy jetty. Kel and Helga joined us at the Club and were keen
to hear of our travels on Lake Macquarie. It was great to see them again and to
share the many things that we have as common interests. Soon though, it was
time to go, to prepare for the short haul to Newcastle in the morning, where at
the Yacht Club we could meet some fine people who had already been of
invaluable assistance to us in our plans to sail to New Caledonia and Vanuatu. We
looked forward to meeting them after contacting them some months ago, and with
the weather still presenting a sanguine face, we looked forward to the short
trip up the coast, and entering one of Australia’s most important ports in the
new day. Yes, our visit to Lake Macquarie had been all that that Kel and Helga
had promised.
Secure on the mooring with the Swansea RSL in the background |
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